Totally original title, I know. :D
I am known as Zee. ZZZZZZ! GET IT, GET IT?! (okay enough puns, on with the intro.)
Maybe its because I have a Z in my name that I dream every night (not legit cause my sister never dreams) but yeah. I'd like to remember my dreams, and I agree that dream journals are cool (but I never bothered to keep one cause I have too many dreams) and sharing is made of awesome, so I agreed to the Debber's idea of starting a group Dream Journal.
AND. Since its finally the LONG SEMESTER BREAK (oh my god finally), I have the spare time to work on this.
So yes. Enjoy my bizarre dreams of flying talking pig-cans,break-dancing fishes and zombie apocalypses.
PS: Debbers, we need a pretty dream-ish layout for this blog.
Dreams: the product of the subconscious mind. Perhaps it's the desires we wish to have? Could have? Our deepest darkest secrets come to life.
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