Very first zombie nightmare.

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Yeah, so this isn't exactly recent, this was a long time ago, when I was younger.

I once had this vivid nightmare, where one morning the whole world's drinking water is suddenly infested with parasitic white worms, like maggots, except tinier.

I still lived in my grandma's house back then, so this took place there.

I woke up (in the dream, yeah), with an insane thirst, but when I went into the kitchen, I saw everyone drinking water already.

Suddenly, all of them start having these strange seizures, and I remember ceramic mugs crashing onto my grandma's pink kitchen tiles, water spilling everywhere. And then, out of the spilt water, worms were crawling in every direction.

Freaking out, I backed away from the kitchen, and then my own mother stopped shaking violently, and came towards me, all pale-like, telling me to have a cup of water, saying its healthy and good.

Yeah, as if I would drink a cup full of maggots.

So I ran, to my grandpa's large garden, through the entrance, and accidentally entered the bathroom.

It was kinda traumatizing to see your own uncle, sitting in a bath tub full of water crawling with the same worms you just saw crawling out of the very same mugs on the kitchen floor.

He started getting out of the tub, and I remember a lot of screaming (from me) and then I ran into my room, and barricaded it.... and they pounded on my room door, almost breaking it off the hinges...

And then I woke up crying.

Oh hai there

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Totally original title, I know. :D

I am known as Zee. ZZZZZZ! GET IT, GET IT?! (okay enough puns, on with the intro.)

Maybe its because I have a Z in my name that I dream every night (not legit cause my sister never dreams) but yeah. I'd like to remember my dreams, and I agree that dream journals are cool (but I never bothered to keep one cause I have too many dreams) and sharing is made of awesome, so I agreed to the Debber's idea of starting a group Dream Journal.

AND. Since its finally the LONG SEMESTER BREAK (oh my god finally), I have the spare time to work on this.

So yes. Enjoy my bizarre dreams of flying talking pig-cans,break-dancing fishes and zombie apocalypses.

PS: Debbers, we need a pretty dream-ish layout for this blog.